Learning from Error

An old-school blog by Adarsh Mathew

What Makes You Cosmopolitan?

Last Modified at — Oct 26, 2021

When we say a person is cosmpolitan, what do we mean? That they share cosmpolitan values, they hail for a cosmopolitan place (city). So the definition isn’t pegged to the user, but to a space (physical, virtual, abstract) or a set of ideals, values. And cosmopolitanism is often referred to as a positive thing, especially in a capitalist context: it hails (or tolerates?) diversity, it’s large or embedded within a larger superstructure, everything is fast-paced, a city that is broad and deep enough to make people from every corner of the world find their niche and/or feel reasonablt comfortable. It also gets a bad rap around over-crowding and congestion, and a serious lack of community. But, honestly, these two things are effects and not defining traits: you can, theoretically, have the perfect city that minimizes congestion and over-crowding through centtralized planning (though I doubt it, thanks to James Scott), and allows for the fostering of communities at scale.

I feel like all of these translate pretty well to identifying what this looks like on the internet.

What does this look like on Reddit?

Reddit is a large place, so I don’t think size is a sharp indicator of anything, even if I’d have to specify a size cutoff eventually. I expect big-tent communities like r/AskReddit and r/pics to showcase all of these traits. They might be worse off in the niches department, because they might be strictly regulated to keep combustible topics away. I would also expect them to be bad on the community front.

I’m unsure when it comes to broad-themed subreddits, like r/politics, r/soccer, r/GameOfThrones. I expect them to be cosmopolitan since they are based around broad, populat interests. But it might foster a sense of community under the right settings. More importantly, I think these spaces are gateways to subreddits which are more homogenous and insular, for good or for worse.

Who’s Cosmopolitan though?

A user whose home community is cosmopolitan? That feels circular. Someone with wide enough participation and closely affiliated with a cosmopolitan community? I’m not entire;y sure. Let’s see what this looks like in the data with distributions.

How do these claims play out in the data?

TBA. Still working on it. I’ll update this when I do get results.

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